Sunday Sept. 1st

12.00 PM              Check-in at Hotel Everest is possible

08.00 PM              Dinner at the hotel

Monday sept. 2nd

10.00 AM              Bus leaves the hotel

11.00 AM              Visit of Marzadro grappa production facility

01.00 PM              Lunch in Villa Lagarina

03.30 PM              Visit of Rovereto – Caffè Bontadi and free time in Rovereto

05.00 PM              Guided tour of Rovereto

06.30 PM              Dinner in Rovereto

09.00 PM              Visit of “Campana dei Caduti” and sound of the bell (9.30 PM)

09.45 PM              Bus to the Hotel

Tuesday sept. 3rd

08.30 AM              Bus leaves from the Hotel

10.00 AM              Visit of Arte Sella

12.30 PM              Lunch in Valle di Sella

02.30 PM              Departure to Vigolo Vattaro

03.30 PM              Visit of Vigolo Vattaro and meeting with local authorities

05.30 PM              Visit of “Bosco delle Radici” (forest of the roots)

06.00 PM              Departure to Trento

08.00 PM              Dinner at the Hotel

Wedenesday sept. 4th

08.00 AM              Bus leaves from the Hotel

10.00 AM              Visit of Moena

11.45 AM              Cable car to Ciampedie

12.30 PM              Lunch at Ciampedie

03.00 PM              Cable car to Vigo di Fassa and bus departure

04.00 PM              Visit of Cavalese – Palace of “Magnifica Comunità”

06.00 PM              Bus leaves to the Hotel

08.00 PM              Dinner at the Hotel

Thursday sept. 5th


08.00 AM              Check out from the Hotel

08.30 AM              Bus loads luggage

09.00 AM              Bus leaves the Hotel (does not go back to the Hotel)

09.30 AM              Visit of Castello del Buonconsiglio and of Trento city centre

01.00 PM              Lunch in Trento

03.00 PM              Visit of Orpheus Roman Villa

04.00 PM              Bus leaves to Pinzolo

05.30 PM              Arrival in different hotels in Pinzolo