Associazione Trentini nel Mondo was created in 1957 with a social solidarity aim and as an instrument of union and assistance for the Trentino migrants and their descendants. Among the promoters counts the Chamber of Commerce of Trento, Fondazione Comunità Solidale, the Italian Christian workers’ society, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Trento e Rovereto and the Cooperative Movement in Trentino. From 2022 is an ETS (Third Sector Organization) registered in RUNTS (Single National Register of the Third Sector).
Its political and programmatic lines are fixed by a governing body elected every three years which avails itself of an executive committee’s work, and managed by a Director who coordinates all the activities assisted by a professional staff.
The Association operates in twenty-six countries in four continents with more than two-hundred Trentino Clubs which are the real outposts of our culture and identity, born from the love of emigrants for their homeland. Trentino Clubs are managed entirely by volunteers and their activities are oriented to aggregate Trentino people and to revive and promote the sense of Trentino belonging, roots and memory. They are the real socio-cultural articulations in the local communities’ life and a primary vehicle for the Trentino promotion abroad. A well-established network of people who spend their time in the service of the community.